#Kalista ADC Gameplay played by SANDBOX Leo, #KRChallenger 835 LP S10 [롤] SANDBOX Leo의 칼리스타 vs 아펠리오스 15/2/14 Patch 10.12 Runes: Primary: Domination, Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Zombie Ward, Ultimate Hunter Secondary: Precision, Legend Alacrity, Triumph Rune Stats: Adaptive Force, Adaptive Force, Armor CS: 254(9.2) Skill order: EQQEQREEEQRQWWW Item timeline: 0:04 - Warding Totem (Trinket), Doran's Blade, Health Potion 4:45 - Berserker's Greaves, Health Potion, Control Ward 6:52 - Vampiric Scepter, Dagger 9:00 - Bilgewater Cutlass, Dagger 12:03 - Blade of the Ruined King, Dagger 15:34 - Zeal, Farsight Alteration, Dagger, Dagger 18:18 - Runaan's Hurricane, Aegis of the Legion, Control Ward, Control Ward 22:02 - Death's Dance, Control Ward, Control Ward 24:04 - Hexdrinker, Control Ward, Control Ward 25:54 - Maw of Malmortius, Control Ward kda timeline: 3:43 - kill 6:16 - kill 6:43 - death 6:44 - assist 8:23 - kill 10:47 - assist 14:51 - assist 14:53 - assist 16:55 - double kill 17:31 - kill 19:11 - assist 19:33 - kill 21:28 - kill 21:28 - assist 21:46 - kill 23:03 - assist 23:07 - assist 23:07 - assist 23:11 - assist 23:11 - kill 25:27 - kill 25:38 - kill 25:41 - death 25:44 - assist 25:55 - assist 27:05 - assist 27:10 - assist 27:11 - triple kill