The Heartland Institute's Second International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-2), took place March 8-9, 2009, in New York City. The theme was "Global Warming: Was It Ever Really a Crisis?" Seventy-five papers were delivered by some of the world's leading scientists, climatologists, economists, policymakers, and opinion leaders, all supporting their view that human activity does not threaten to raise global temperatures to crisis levels. Many speakers presented new data and analysis of climate change affecting global temperatures, severe weather patterns, species survival, the integrity of temperature and climate measurements, and the economic and business impact of global warming policies.

ForumGlobalNew York CityCrisisSpeakerWarmingConferencePolicyIccc2Joseph BastLibertarianTalkPowerIcccScientistHeartland InstituteHeartlandInternationalConservativeInstituteCoolingNew YorkPoliticsGreenGlobal WarmingAnnualChristopher BookerCo2ClimateCongressInternational ConferenceClimate ChangeEnergySkepticEnvironment