#避税 #葡萄牙 #避税天堂 #欧洲税收 #避税项目 #NonHabitualResident #葡萄牙税收 #欧洲避税天堂 #欧盟避税项目 #合法避税 #SaveTaxes # 税收减免 #税率 #个人所得税 #财富 #资产税 #NHR #TaxHeaven #投资理财 #财务自由 众所周知欧盟国家给国民的服务待遇在全球范围内是超一流的。不仅给教育,医疗等公共服务提供了强大的支持,也给基本社会保障给予了充足的资金。然而这些白花花的银子是从哪里来的呢?一个国家或者联盟的经济健康一定不是建立在无线印钞的基础上。超通货膨胀可以瞬间击垮几十年甚至上百年积累的成就。所以这些超国民福利待遇一定是建立在强大的税收上。在欧盟的国家中,福利越好的国家收税也就越狠。穷人或者没有能力挣到平均工资的人自然能在这个体制中得到各种优惠。而有钱人或者是能凭本事挣到高工资的人可就惨了。每多赚一块钱都要被政府哪去一大半。没办法,有能力的人社会责任越大。这一特点在欧洲体现得特别明显。在葡萄牙也是一样。普通纳税居民不但抵扣项目少,个人所得税的税率还很高。真是有一种自己是给社会打工的工具人的感觉。 在这个高税收的体制下,我们能不能想办法省点税呢?那些偷税漏税的外门邪道我们就不讨论了。毕竟夜路走多了总会栽跟头。我们可以找一些合法,甚至是国家鼓励加入的项目来节约税钱。这种项目远的地方不说,葡萄牙就有。而且已经被很多其他国家抨击很久了。被誉为欧盟的避税天堂。简单来说就是NHR - non-habitual resident项目。是葡萄牙政府为了吸引高质量人才和有钱的退休老头老太天所创立的项目。目的就是为了吸引这些有能力或者有资产的人来葡萄牙生活。有了资金和人才的支持,葡萄牙的经济自然更容易走向一个良性循环。给这些人的一些税收减免对国家来说也只是小恩小惠罢了。有资格加入这个项目的人不仅在个人所得税上可以享受特别优惠的汇率,并且对海外收入以及养老金收入基本不征税或者征很少的税。靠资产吃饭的有钱人那可是真的能从这个项目中拿到实实在在的好处。跟着我的视频来了解一下葡萄牙的这个神级的避税项目吧! It is well known that the service treatment given to citizens by EU countries is the best in the world. EU countries not only provide strong support for public services such as education and health care, but also provide adequate funding for basic social security. However, where does all this money come from? The economic health of a country or union must not be based on endlessly printing money. Hyperinflation can suddenly undo decades or even centuries of progress. As such, these supernational benefits must be based on strong taxation. In the European Union, the better the welfare state, the higher the tax. People who are poor or do not have the ability to earn the average wage are naturally favored in this system. While the rich, or those who can earn high wages, would really suffer. Every extra dollar earned is heavily taxed the government. Richer people should bear more social responsibilities. This phelosophy is particularly true in Europe. The same in Portugal. Ordinary tax residents not only less deductions, the individual income tax rate is high. I feel that I am a tool worker for society. In this high taxation system, can we find a way to save some taxes? We're not going to talk about tax evasion. We can save tax money by doingng something that is legal or even encouraged by some nations. Such program exists in Portugal. This program has been criticized by many other countries for a long time, known as the TAX haven of the European Union. In short, it is the NHR-non-habitual Resident program. It's created by the Portuguese government to attract high-quality talent and wealthy retirees. The aim is to attract those with the means or assets to live in Portugal. With capital and talent support, Portugal's economy is naturally easier to move towards a virtuous circle. Tax benefit to these people is only a small loss to the federate. People who are qualify for the program will not only get a special rate of income tax, but also pay little or no tax on foreign income and pension income. Wealthy people who live by their assets could actually benefit a lot from this program. Follow my video to learn about this god-like tax shelter in Portugal!

避税天堂欧盟税收税收减免葡萄牙税收欧盟税收政策葡萄牙个人所得税NHRnon habitual resident portugal避税项目避税个人所得税tax savings合法避税投资理财税收退休金税收