#히피 #역사 #미국사 #포레스트검프 그 시절 미국의 젊은이들, 히피 문화의 모든 것! 포레스트 검프로 보는 미국사 | 미국 역사, 히피족, 비트족, 비트 세대, 전후 세대, 세계사 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득 김지윤 박사가 들려주는 재미있는 이야기 구독 , 좋아요! 김지윤TV kimjyTV@gmail.com 📑 참고문헌 📑 Andrews, T. (2019, August 13). Riots, deaths, sexual assault: Maybe Woodstock was always a nightmare. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/08/13/riots-deaths-sexual-assault-maybe-woodstock-was-always-nightmare/ Carlise, C. (2017, July 26). The Beat Movement. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. https://oxfordre.com/literature/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.001.0001/acrefore-9780190201098-e-664 Chiu, D. (2019, December 3). Altamont At 50: The Disastrous Concert That Brought The ‘60s To A Crashing Halt. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidchiu/2019/12/03/altamont-at-50-the-disastrous-concert-that-brought-the-60s-to-a-crashing-halt/ Frere-Jones, S. (2019, March 28). The Chaos of Altamont and the Murder of Meredith Hunter. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-chaos-of-altamont-and-the-murder-of-meredith-hunter Gair, C. (2007). The American Counterculture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Gritz, J. R. (2015, July 8). The Death of the Hippies. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/07/the-death-of-the-hippies/397739/ Harris, M. (2018, April 12). The Flowering of the Hippies. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1967/09/the-flowering-of-the-hippies/306619/ Holmes, J. C. (1952). This is the beat generation. New York Times Magazine, 16(3), 1-5. https://oxfordre.com/literature/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.001.0001/acrefore-9780190201098-e-664 Pruitt, S. (2021, March 18). How the Vietnam War Empowered the Hippie Movement. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/news/vietnam-war-hippies-counter-culture Raskin, J. (2017). Beatniks, Hippies, Yippies, Feminists, and the Ongoing American Counterculture. In S. Belletto (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Beats (Cambridge Companions to Literature, pp. 36-50). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Driving the Beat road. (2017, June 30). Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/lifestyle/the-beat-generation/

히피히피 문화히피족비트 세대비트족역사미국사세계사미국 문화전후 세대반전 운동평화히피 세대인문학포레스트 검프역사 배경역사 해설미국 역사역사 해석