Every day there are new discoveries being made all around the world, but whether they’ll change the course of history is open to debate. Some findings are making researchers question what we’ve believed to be the truth, which could ultimately mean a change in all our history books, so, let’s have a look at some of them. 7 - Who built it first? The Egyptian pyramids have left us with far more questions than concrete answers, and now we’re going to add more quandary to these immense structures, except not to the ones located in Egypt. Semir Osmanagić, an amateur archaeologist, made quite the discovery in Bosnia. He claims that people built pyramids in Bosnia and that Visočica hill is the perfect example. Leading scholars have called the theory “pseudoarchaeological” and that the perfect peak is nothing more than a natural formation. Let’s hope that with time he has more evidence to prove otherwise. 6 - Giants Roam Freely In a totally different area, here comes another account of giants. Conquistador Pedro Cieza de Leon documented everything that took place when the Spanish first came to Peru. The book was called The Chronicles of Peru, and it contains accurate descriptions of the people, their requests and their culture. The book mentions a village built by giants, and how these giants arrived in Peru in boats made from reeds. He said the length from their knees downward was that of a fully-grown man and that they built wells that were far more advanced then the locals had ever seen. A fire was said to have wiped the giants out completely, and little evidence was left behind. Cieza de Leon would not have put untruths in his factual account of what took place at the time, so what really happened? Were their real giants? Was he mistaken? Did he come down with a strange virus that left him delirious? Let’s hope some evidence emerges that will answer all our questions. 5 - But is it real? The story of Atlantis is not new, but now there seems to be evidence that could prove that a thriving city did exist at one point in time. Just off the coast of Gela, Sicily, diver - Cieza de Leon – made a remarkable discovery. He found 39 ingots underneath an ancient shipwreck. The ingots were made of orichalcum, which is a rare fusion of molten rocks. Orichalcum was exceptionally valuable and Plato mentioned that orichalcum was found in part of Atlantis in ancient times. Archaeologists today claim that the ingots are from a once prosperous nation, but whether that nation is Atlantis, is up to you to decide. 4 - Rock and Roll Up in the Andes Mountains are some very unusual rocks known as the Marcahuasi Ruins. The rocks look like they have been carved by humans because they resemble human heads. One rock looks like a rough copy of the Egyptian Sphinx. Many believe it’s just random erosion, but that’s not nearly as exciting as some other theories floating around. Many like to believe they’ve been sculpted by an unknown species, and they’re investigating it thoroughly. Other, more off-the-wall ideas, include aliens and mystical healing powers, but one theory seems to stand out from the rest. There’s an idea that the rocks were constructed by a biblical civilization known as the Masma, who headed to Peru and carved these rocks into what they had witnessed in Egypt. If that’s the case, then once again, some very well-known books will need to be rewritten. 3 - Life on Mars This is truly a question that has been asked several times over and recent discoveries could mean that scientists could finally come to some sort of agreement on the matter. It’s been discovered that there used to be an ocean that covered Mars and that the surface temperature of Mars used to be a lot higher, meaning that life on Mars was certainly possible millions of years ago. 2 - Quick bite to eat It may not be the most mind-blowing fact that will change history as we know it, but it certainly gives you a different perspective of life way back when. When we think of fast food, we think of it as a new development, but research has proven that take-out fast food establishments have been around for a lot longer than we anticipated. The first fish and chips shops opened in Britain during the 1860s and yet we go back even further. Thermopolium’s were around in the Greco-Roman world and they served something hot for people on the go. They’re believed to be the forerunner of restaurants. They consisted of a small room that opened on to the street and sold a few speciality items like spiced wine, meats, lentils or cheese. You couldn’t sit and had to order your food to take away. They were usually frequented by slaves and shadier characters used to like to hang out there, and many were shut down for that very reason. One such establishment was discovered in Pompeii, perfectly preserved. 1...

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