实拍雷电击中广州塔小蛮腰瞬间,场面犹如科幻大片--户外城市直播爱好者拍摄 #雷电#击中#广州塔#实拍#科幻大片#新闻#直播#户外#拍摄#摄影#小蛮腰#闪电 本视频来源于网络,如有冒犯,请告知删除,谢谢! Real shooting lightning hit Guangzhou Tower Xiaoman waist instantly, the scene is like a science fiction blockbuster -- outdoor live urban fans shoot. # thunder and lightning # hit #Guangzhou Tower #real film #science fiction blockbuster #news # live broadcast #outdoor #photography #photography # Xiaoman waist This video comes from the Internet. If you offend, please let me delete it. thank you!