草加宿場まつり 草加宿場まつりは、江戸時代に日光街道第二の宿場として栄えた草加宿のかつてのにぎわいを取り戻し、歴史や現在のまちづくりを考えてもらおうと、「今様・草加宿」地域再生プロジェクトの一つとして、平成15年11月30日から始まりました。平成19年10月20日・21日には、30回目の節目を迎えた「草加市民まつり」と同時開催され、市役所付近から松原大橋までが1つの大きな舞台となり、大勢の人で賑わいました。コロナ感染症などの影響で数年は開催できませんでしたが、2024年6月2日(日)久々に開催させていただく運びとなりました。「子どもたちにふるさとを!!」のスローガンとともに、草加人のもてなし精神で、大名行列などのさまざまな催しを開催させていただきます。 Soka Post Town Festival The Soka Post Town Festival began on November 30, 2003 as part of the "Imayo Soka Post Town" regional revitalization project, with the aim of restoring the former bustle of Soka Post Town, which flourished as the second post town on the Nikko Kaido road during the Edo period, and encouraging people to think about the town's history and current development. On October 20 and 21, 2007, the festival was held simultaneously with the "Soka Citizens Festival," which celebrated its 30th anniversary, and the area from the city hall to Matsubara Bridge became one big stage, attracting many people. Due to the effects of COVID-19 and other factors, the festival was not held for several years, but it will be held for the first time in a long time on Sunday, June 2, 2024. With the slogan "A Hometown for Children!!," and with the hospitality of the people of Soka, we will hold various events such as a feudal lord procession. Date:   June 2024 草加宿場まつり official website https://syukuba.jp/ My  X(twitter) https://twitter.com/4kWalk
