Vince Gironda‘s forgotten routine…whatever ever happened to that wonderful 10 sets of 10 exercises for 10 reps routine…let’s find out. What was the Iron Guru's 10 x 10 x 10 routine, well this is how it worked: you picked a total of 10 exercises carefully, making certain major body parts were included, arms, back, chest mid-section, legs. In doing 10 sets of the same exercise for a particular muscle, the faster growing parts of that muscle will naturally respond and grow, and likewise for the slower growing parts, because adequate stress on a muscle will activate all parts of it. Adequate stress. Therein lies the secret of success, 10 different exercises, 10 sets of each exercise, 10 reps of each set using maximum poundage. Why has this routine been forgotten? I can tell you, it’s been replaced by three sets of three different exercises per muscle. We bodybuilders are constantly trying to make things easier and more interesting, so we rationalize our thinking by saying, “well, we are doing the same number (more or less, 9 sets to be exact) of sets and reps, and at the same time we are breaking the monotony of doing 10 sets of a single exercise, by doing only three sets of any exercise. Further, the three sets of three exercises system must be better, because we are attacking different angles, right? Sounds good doesn’t it? But the reasoning is all wet, doing 10 sets of one exercise will , in fact, triple the work of the muscle being worked and will stimulate all parts of that muscle, whereas doing a particular movement for only three sets may not be enough to stimulate the muscle adequately. The three sets of three exercises system will surely build size, but it may not tax your muscles enough to cut in definition, for overall shape. It’s really no great feat to get big, but to get big and shapely requires a well planned routine involving the activation and stimulation of your slow growing areas, and that’s what the 10 x 10 x 10 does. The 10 x 10 x 10 system works the muscles completely for complete growth. OK, so it’s boring, that’s why it lost popularity. But it gets results. That’s what counts. After doing 10 sets of 10 different exercises you know you had a workout. You look pumped, and that pump will become permanent if you stick with 10 x 10 x 10. After your work out and shower, apply muscle rub to help keep your muscles supple and flexible, and free from those aches and pains that come from heavy bombing sessions. Also, take at least six BD/BU tablets daily, to promote muscle recuperation. Anything that’s good, and lasting, does not come easily. You may not want to forsake your present routine, but for a change of pace, even for a few weeks, why not try doing some of the exercises you use in 10 x 10 x 10 fashion? You may never go back to your old ways. Thank you all for stopping by. I do hope you enjoyed this episode. Please leave a "Like", subscribe, comment and share; I would appreciate it. Until the next video; keep training and chasing The Dream. Peace, Sal✌🏼💪 🏋🏼

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