This video will explain what a Specular Map is and how you can use it! If you are looking for a more in depth video about the subject, make sure to look for the [Advanced Video]. This might not be published yet. Do not worry though! I am trying my best to release it soon! If you have any requests make sure to send them my way. Stay tuned for more Texture related videos by Subscribing to my channel! As always, have a good day!

Game DevelopmentRenderingPhotoshopAutodesk3Ds Max3D SoftwareModelingTextureTexturesMaterialsTutorialLessonVideoAnimatingCreate my first gamecreating game3d artist3d games3d environmentGame developerUnreal engine 4source 2Dash SeriesAdvancedBeginnerFreeAssetspropsmodelspluginsQuixelNdo2DdoMarmoset ToolbagProjectsSoundNumber 1