WE ARE BACK IN PREDATOR HUNTING GROUNDS! A special time to come back as IllFonic just released a new Predator Class DLC in the form of a Party Pack, containing our favorite 3 Yautja Predators from the entertaining AVP ( Alien Vs. Predator ) Movie. The characters being: -Celtic One of three Young Blood Yautja brothers sent to hunt Xenomorphs on Earth as part of an initiation ritual. The largest and oldest of the brothers, Celtic was looked upon as the leader, but he unfortunately met an untimely end when his overconfidence got the better of him, and he never became Blooded. -Chopper One of three Young Blood Yautja brothers sent to hunt Xenomorphs on Earth as part of an initiation ritual. The middle of the three, Chopper was eager for the hunt yet easily distracted by human prey, which ultimately led to him being ambushed and killed by a Xenomorph. -Scar One of three Young Blood Yautja brothers sent to hunt Xenomorphs on Earth as part of an initiation ritual. Scar was the youngest, but showed the most restraint when it came to strategy and patience. He was able to kill a Xenomorph, thus being the only one to become Blooded, and with human assistance he even went on to destroy a Xenomorph Queen. During the battle he was mortally wounded, but before expiring he was impregnated by a Facehugger, making way for a new hybrid breed dubbed "Predalien." I hope you all enjoy the video and can’t wait to see you all in the next one!^^ 0:00 - 0:38 Funny Edited Intro 0:39 - 11:08 Scar Class Gameplay 11:09 - 21:19 Celtic Class Gameplay 21:20 - 33:43 Chopper Class Gameplay (Rage)

PredatorYautjaPredator Hunting GroundsPHGpredator hunting groundsAVPAlien Vs. PredatorAlienVsCelticScarChopperClassesClassGameplayMemeLolLaughThe Nomad ClanThe_Nomad_ClanYT22 Jump StreetTNCDLCHunting Party PackHunting Party Pack 3IllFonicRageSaltyAngry