This is an unedited narrated video of a robotic hysterectomy by Dr. Lynn Kowalski, author of "Not Your Mother's Hysterectomy." The video is intended to demonstrate how efficient robotic surgery can be for routine hysterectomy. To learn more you can find Dr. Kowalski's book, Not Your Mother's Hysterectomy, on Amazon here: You can also learn more about hysterectomy surgery and conditions, such as endometriosis, fibroids, adhesions, vulvar cancer, uterine cancer and much more, from my blog here:

Cancer PatientsTechnology (Professional Field)SurgeryAsk Doctor KGynecologic OncologistDoctorHysterectomyEndometrial Cancer (Disease Or Medical Condition)robotic surgeryDr. Lynn KowalskitechnologyEndometrial cancerrobotic hysterectomyMedicine (Field Of Study)Hysterectomy (Medical Treatment)Oncology