Vince Gironda known as the Iron Guru changed the face of bodybuilding forever. Vince's diet, training and exercise information was certainly controversial but that's what made him a legend. FREE Workout from Vince Gironda - 8 Sets of 8 If you’re tired of wasting hours at the gym and are really serious about packing on loads of lean, strong, rock-solid muscles and developing an Adonis-like physique then you need to forget what you think you know about training and nutrition because… Information Overload Has Filled The Web With Muscle Confusion Where 97% Of The Workout Advice You Get Is DEAD WRONG! The So-Called Experts Don't Even Know These ORIGINAL "Old School" Muscle Building Laws. Vince was years ahead of his time and lived to challenge the status-quo, introducing revolutionary training techniques that were shunned by the so-called experts of the time. YEARS LATER, STUDY AFTER STUDY SHOWS THAT VINCE WAS RIGHT AND THE EXPERTS WERE WRONG. He was a physique trainer of world-class champion bodybuilders and some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities. He lived and breathed bodybuilding for 55 years, developing some of the most controversial and effective muscle-building techniques ever discovered. Vince was perhaps the first person to speak up against performing the regular sit-up and leg lift for the abs. He felt that they were useless and could even harm the spine, lower back and hips. And speaking of abs, Vince believed that most guys wasted far too much time training their abs. According to him, spending too much time training the abs shocked the central nervous system, disrupting muscle growth in other areas of the body. He stated that high reps and daily training produced a smooth, bloated look. Vince did have several different movements for the abdominals that were and still are very productive. We like to call VINCE GIRONDA the MASTER OF CONTROVERSY FEW OTHER TRAINERS WERE AS POLARIZING AND CONTROVERSIAL AS VINCE. HE LOVED TO CHALLENGE THE STATUS QUO AND HE DIDN’T CARE WHETHER OR NOT PEOPLE LIKED HIM. PHYSIQUE TRAINING WAS HIS PASSION AND HE KNEW THAT HIS REVOLUTIONARY TRAINING IDEAS BUILT BETTER BODIES. Thank you so much for watching the CriticalBench YouTube channel. We are honored to have you following us. Please leave us some comments or questions below, we will get back with you! The IRON Guru of Bodybuilding Vince Gironda: Subscribe to Our Channel: Follow us on Instagram (@thecriticalbench): Subscribe to the Critical Bench Compound Channel: #criticalbench #strongbydesign #vincegironda #ironguru #oldschoolmuscle #bodybuilding #vincegirondadiet #vincegirondaworkout #vincegirondaexercises #vincegirondabodybuilding #vincegirondalegendandmyth #vincegirondacriticalbench #vincegirondamuscle #vincegirondanutrition #vincegirondadocumentary

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