For my second pregnancy, I was trying for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I was a good candidate—there was adequate spacing between pregnancies, and the baby was in the right position. I was allowed to try for labor until 41 weeks +2 days, and you bet I tried absolutely EVERYTHING to try and induce it. I woke up at 41 weeks and 1 day with mild contractions that intensified throughout the day. At 9:00 PM, I went to the hospital to be monitored as the contractions were getting more intense and occurring every 2–3 minutes. At 1:00 AM, I had my cervix checked, but it was still far back and closed 😞. I went to sleep hoping to rest up for labor, but when I woke, the contractions had stopped. I made the call then to schedule a repeat C-section (RCS) as I just felt like I had so much further to go and I was just done with the mind games and not comfortable with the risks of continuing (which would involve induction at this point). I was booked in a few hours later and ended up having a really healing RCS. It felt so different from my first—there were no complications for myself or the baby, and it was smooth and straightforward. It turns out it was the right call, as my uterus was quite thin. The OB said she could apparently see through it! Also, baby boy was 9 lbs… I'm feeling very grateful I made the right decision, and I felt like maybe my body was telling me these things beforehand. So although it wasn't the birth I initially wanted, it was the birth that I needed.