In this video you will find fast and easy manipulation tactics and techniques to manipulate people's mind. 1. I NEED HELP When you ask someone for a favor, start your request by saying, "I need your help." People don't like feeling guilty about not helping someone. 2. WARM HANDSHAKE Make sure your hands are warm when you shake hands with someone. This will create a friendly atmosphere, while a cold hand will have the opposite effect. 3. THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE The trick is to offer several options that lead to the same result. No matter what the other person chooses, you win. 4. SPEAK LESS A person who speaks less, add more weight to his opinions. People take it much more seriously. 5. MY FATHER TAUGHT ME If you want people to take your words seriously, every time you say something to them, say that your father taught you this. People tend to believe parents' advice inherently. 6. SMILE (OR DO NOT) Women who smile are more attractive. Men who smile less and look serious are more attractive. Attractiveness makes it easier for you to use psychological techniques on your target. 7. CALM SOMEONE DOWN To calm someone who is angry and aggressive, stand next to them instead of in front of them. You won't seem like such a big threat. 8. USE FATIGUE To get people to cooperate, ask them for a favor when they are tired. They are more likely to agree. 9. LOOK STRAIGHT If you want to say something that is very serious, don’t look away and look straight into their eyes. But do it naturally, stay relaxed and don't forget to blink. 10. COMPLEMENT Complement somebody about how impressive is what they are doing for you and let them bragging. Ask about how they learned to do that. 11. SILENT TREATMENT To manipulate people into cooperating with you, silent treatment is one of the easiest and most obvious ways. 12. USE THEIR NAME People feel the need to be acknowledged and will be way more unlikely to be disagreeable with you if you repeat their name when persuading them. 13. INDICATE THE INTEREST If someone is watching you, they are more likely to imitate you. Put your hands together and see if they do the same.