食材配料清单 大米:寿司醋=6:1 寿司醋:盐:糖:米醋=1:5:10 黄瓜 胡萝卜 香肠 萝卜条 沙拉酱 鱼子酱 肉松 详细做法 1、准备300g大米,淘洗干净后加水把大米煮熟,水的量比平时煮米饭少一点 2、做寿司醋,盐:糖:米醋=1:5:10,小火把盐、糖熬化就可以了 3、米饭煮好以后用铲子捣散,然后盛出来晾凉,然后黄瓜条、胡萝卜条、香肠条 4、晾凉的米饭加寿司醋,寿司醋:米饭=1:6,拌匀就可以了 5、把海苔铺在竹帘上,铺一层薄薄的米饭,压实,放胡萝卜、香肠、黄瓜、萝卜条 6、挤上沙拉酱、鱼子酱,撒上肉松,卷起来就可以了,第一款就做好了 7、再来做另一种做法,竹帘铺上保鲜膜,放米饭,把海苔放在米饭上 8、放上食材,挤上沙拉酱、鱼子酱,先卷起来,再在外面挤上沙拉酱,把沙拉酱刷匀 9、最后撒上肉松,用沙拉酱把肉松粘在外面,整理均匀一些,最后切成段就可以了 Ingredients list Rice: sushi vinegar = 6:1 sushi vinegar: Salt: sugar: rice vinegar = 1:5:10 Cucumber, carrot, sausage, radish, salad, caviar, meat floss Detailed practice 1. Prepare 300g rice. After washing, add water to boil the rice. The amount of water is a little less than the usual amount of boiled rice 2. Make sushi vinegar, salt: sugar: rice vinegar = 1:5:10, boil the salt and sugar with a small torch 3. When the rice is cooked, mash it with a shovel, then put it out to cool, then cucumber, carrot and sausage 4. Cool rice and sushi vinegar, sushi vinegar: rice = 1:6, mix well 5. Spread the seaweed on the bamboo curtain, spread a thin layer of rice, compact, and put carrots, sausages, cucumbers, radish strips 6. Squeeze on the salad dressing, caviar, sprinkle on the meat floss, roll it up, the first one is ready 7. Another way to do it is to put a plastic film on the bamboo curtain, rice and seaweed on the rice 8. Put on the ingredients, squeeze on the salad dressing, caviar, roll up first, then squeeze on the salad dressing outside, brush the salad dressing evenly 9. Finally, sprinkle the meat floss, use the salad dressing to stick the meat floss on the outside, arrange it evenly, and finally cut it into sections
