Funding, mentorship, training, community. What do you need to finish your project and make an impact? Since 1991, BAVC's National MediaMaker Fellowship has provided in-kind training and support for independent artists at work on social-issue nonfiction projects, with a particular focus on supporting emerging artists and underserved communities. The Fellowship builds an engaged national community of creative media artists from diverse fields, increases their capacity for project completion and lasting impact, and inspires new partnerships and collaboration to support future work. In 2018 BAVC offered the most robust iteration of the Fellowship yet, with an increased cohort size of ten Fellows (half Bay Area-based and half from outside of the Bay Area) and the ability to offer $8,000 to each Fellow over the course of the program year. In 2020, anyone from an underrepresented community directing a noncommercial project can apply for the MediaMaker Fellowship. Those eligible now include artists identifying as women, non-binary, and/or transgender, artists of color, and artists with disabilities. To apply or to find out more visit --- BAVC provides resources for anyone to create and amplify their own story. We serve over 7,500 freelancers, filmmakers, job-seekers, artists, activists, and young people every year. BAVC has been a trusted community educator, collaborator, incubator, and preservationist for the Bay Area and beyond since 1976. Follow BAVC… on Instagram @BAVCmedialab on Twitter @BAVC on Facebook @bayareavideocoalition Keep in touch... Sign up for BAVC’s monthly newsletter: Visit our website: And join the conversation in the comments!

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