From Aug. 26-28, thousands of entrepreneurs from around the world experienced Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM's annual International Convention (#MAIC2021) from the comfort of their own homes or, once again, in person at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina. "When you take the people power that comes from the thousands of UnFranchise Owners in eight Market Countries and combine it with the different enhancements we shared with you this weekend, it's easy to see why the UnFranchise Business resonates with people all over the globe. We are leading the parade as we always have done, ahead of the curve yet again. This time with cryptocurrency! As different online retailers scramble to create a plan of action to implement things like accepting cryptocurrency as a method of online payment, thanks to Steve Ashley - we've already done that," said JR Ridinger, Founder, Chairman & CEO of Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM. "The key is to take what you've learned here and apply it to your business going forward. Holding yourself accountable and helping others to achieve milestones can help your own success fall naturally into place. From the bottom of my heart - I hope it happens for you, but I also hope you realize it's going to take action on your part to accomplish your goals. We've given you the roadmap but only YOU can walk the path. Your journey to success awaits. This is the next chapter." Earnings discussed are atypical and the success of any UnFranchise Owner will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication which he or she devotes to building his or her Market America business. For typical earnings, see Follow SHOP.COM: Instagram: @shopcom Facebook: @SHOP.COM Follow Market America Worldwide: Instagram @marketamerica Facebook @marketamerica For access to the #MAIC2021 Recap: About Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM is a global e-commerce and digital marketing company that specializes in one-to-one marketing and is the creator of the Shopping Annuity . Its mission is to provide a robust business system for entrepreneurs, while providing consumers a better way to shop. Headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, and with eight sites around the globe, including the U.S., Market America Worldwide was founded in 1992 by Founder, Chairman & CEO JR Ridinger. Through the company's primary, award-winning shopping website, SHOP.COM, consumers have access to millions of products, including Market America Worldwide exclusive brands and thousands of top retail brands. Further, SHOP.COM ranks 19th in Newsweek magazine's 2021 Best Online Shops, No. 52 in Digital Commerce 360's (formerly Internet Retailer) 2021 Top 1,000 Online Marketplaces, No. 79 in Digital Commerce 360's 2021 Top 1,000 Online Retailers and No. 11 in the 2021 Digital Commerce 360 Primary Merchandise Category Top 500. The company is also a two-time winner of the Better Business Bureau's Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics and was ranked No. 15 in The Business North Carolina Top 125 Private Companies for 2020. By combining Market America Worldwide's entrepreneurial business model with SHOP.COM's powerful comparative shopping engine, Cashback program, Hot Deals, ShopBuddy®, Express Pay checkout, social shopping integration and countless other features, the company has become the ultimate online shopping destination. For more information about Market America Worldwide: For more information on SHOP.COM, please visit: SHOP.COM

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