这是一个以战舰为至高武力代表的星际时代,最残酷的时代,也是最绚烂的时代!王动重生回到二十年前……探索无数未知文明,收割文明本源,强化自身!更逆天的是,他还带着系统!你们的战舰、模组要抽奖,而我,则是自选!重生+系统!你们拿什么跟我斗?驾驭最强大的战舰,削平所有的不服! 【根据青葶动漫出品的同名漫画《我的战舰能升级》改编】 This is an interstellar era represented by warships as the supreme force, the cruelest era, and the most splendid era! Wang Dong was reborn and returned to twenty years ago...Explore countless unknown civilizations, harvest the resources of civilization, and strengthen himself! What's even more awesome is that he even has a system! Your warships and modules will be drawn by lottery, but I can choose by myself! Rebirth + System! How can you fighting with me? Take control of the most powerful starship and rubbish all enemies! [Adapted from the manga of "Upgrade Complete, Captain" produced by Qingting Anime]

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