Former Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh Monday joined the BJP, while merging his newly formed Punjab Lok Congress (PLC) with the saffron party. Earlier in the day, he met the party’s national president J P Nadda in Delhi. Punjab Lok Congress spokesperson Pritpal Singh Baliawal had said that a list of the party’s leaders who are expected to join the BJP along with Singh was being finalised. #captainamarindersingh #bjp #punjablokcongress Subscribe to Express Premium - Morning Expresso - A morning news bulletin from the Indian Express: Watch all Coronavirus Updates: Watch all entertainment news from Bollywood at Indian Express Entertainment: Subscribe to Indian Express: #News #IndiaNews #LatestNews #BreakingNews #DailyNews #NewsHealines #NewsHour #EnglishNews The Indian Express Online covers all trending and latest news across India, which includes daily news, political news, gadgets and Mobile reviews, technology updates, Entertainment News, Bollywood news, public opinions and views on daily trends. Connect with us: Facebook: Twitter: Indian Express App: Official Website: Connect with us: Facebook: Twitter: Indian Express App: Official Website: Indian Express, The Indian Express Newspaper, The Indian Express, Indian express news, indian express editorial Today's Indian Express newspaper offers a comprehensive package of news, including Indian Express editorial analysis and Indian Express analysis today. This well-respected publication covers a wide range of topics in its India Express editorial and Indian Express news sections. Stay informed with the Indian Express newspaper today.

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