#raspberrypi #raspberrypi3 #raspberrypi4 #raspberrypipico #education #extensionboard We will explain the Raspberry pi board structure and the hardware as well. We will try to make you familar with Raspberry pi boards details such as ports, GPIO, USB, the extention board and HDMI sockets!

Raspberry piGPIOUSBRaspberry Pi 400raspberry pi picoextention boardraspberry pi zeropythonlinuxrasbianRaspberry Pi 3BCMHDMIVGARaspberry power supplyubentoarduinoandroidwifiiotBSMinternet of thingsbluethoothraspberry pi 4ARMCORTEXI7GOOGLElcdmicro HDMIcameratermal camerasignal processingimage processingraspberry pi hardwareartifical intelligence