❔❕ PRICE RANGE ❔❕ ◽️ Head base - 1900L ◽️ Head part - 600L ◽️ Any Genus head preset is 3200L (it's a little more profitable than you create the kit yourself). ◽️ Exclusively for skin fair, MEGA PACK (discounted at 50%) - 7650L! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🖤 Stylecard 🤍 ◽️ GENUS MORPH - Earplug - Silver - Large Tunnels - Female v1.0 ◽️ GENUS MORPH - Ears Human - Large Tunnels - Female - v1.0 ◽️ GENUS MORPH - EyeMorph Puppy - v1.0 ◽️ GENUS MORPH - Head Base Oval - v1.0 ◽️ GENUS MORPH - Labret Ring - Slver - Lipmorph Natural Piercing ◽️ GENUS MORPH - LipMorph Natural Pierced - v1.0 ◽️ GENUS MORPH - NoseMorph Button - v1.0 ◽️ Pepe Skins - Genus Head / Peach V2 / Pixie FR NB ◽️ (Yummy) Candy Krush Ring Collection (Reborn) ◽️ ICHULY - Neve : Turtleneck - FATPACK (reborn) ◽️ VCO ~ AKI Hair / Rigged / ◽️ LOTUS. Moonlight Eyes - 7 ◽️ GENUS Applier - Eyelashes - STARRY EYELASHES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🗣 Ask your questions in the comments down below Like this video, share it with your friends and Subscribe to my channel 🤍 My link tree : https://linktr.ee/ichuly

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