You can buy this song and the rest of my music here: Music and vocals by Farya Faraji. Please note that this isn't actual reconstructed music from the Sasanian Era, but modern Iranian music with an ancient theme. The Asbārān, also spelled Aswārān, were an elite corps of the Sasanian army. Consisting of aristocrats, they were a close equivalent to the later European idea of the knight: heavily armoured nobles, often cataphracts on horseback forming the elite section of the Sasanian army. Part of the Asbārān corps were the Pushtigban, the personal protectors of the Sasanian Emperors. The song is in the modal scale of Shur, and is mostly rooted in the Khorasani tradition of Iranian music, which emphasises the tanbour heavily, and is one of the folk traditions of Iran most concerned with great war epics and heroics, as well as one of the rare traditions of Iran were the 2/4 time signature is popular, said time signature being used here. The lyrics are derived from the formal title of the Sasanian Emperor. Erān and Anerān can have a dual meaning: both that of Iran and non-Iran as in the territory, as well as Iranians and non-Iranians in the sense of the populations.

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