大家好,我是小豪。今天我们来做白白胖胖的大馒头。馒头有分一次发酵和二次发酵两种做法,做法上有些许不同,我会用两种做法做出馒头来比较,你喜欢哪种口感,就用哪一种做法吧。这是一个没有盐,没有泡打粉,没有改良剂的配方,面团只要揉透揉光,你依然可以做出又白又软的大馒头,放凉后也不会变得像石头一样硬。 小豪每周都会跟大家分享一款美食或糕点的做法和秘密。点以下的链接订阅小豪厨房,并打开旁边的小铃铛,这样你就不会错过小豪发布的最新视频~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEG094M7Z_lQs59LtSVmVPg?sub_confirmation=1 PS!! 05:22 有错误讯息,温水/温牛奶的量是100g 配方:(可以做4个大馒头,每个80g左右) 普通面粉/中筋粉。。。200g 酵母。。。2g 白糖。。。20g 温水/温牛奶。。。100g 白油/植物油。。。8g 蒸法: 用金属蒸笼,锅盖需要开个小缝隙,让多余的水蒸汽尽快散掉。用竹蒸笼就可以省略这一步。凉水上锅,先用大火把水煮滚。水滚冒出水蒸气后转中火蒸15分钟。蒸熟后要焖3-5分钟才开盖,避免馒头塌缩。 Hello everyone, I am Xiaohao. Today we are going to make steamed buns. Steamed buns have two different methods to make: once fermentation and twice fermentation. The methods are slightly different. I will use the two methods to make steamed buns and compare. Use whichever method you like. This is a formula with no salt, no baking powder, and no improver. As long as the dough is kneaded thoroughly, you can still make a white and soft big steamed bun. It will not become as hard as a stone after cooling. Xiaohao will share with you the recipes and secrets of a delicacy or pastry every week. Click the link below to subscribe to Hao’s Kitchen, and turn on the small bell next to it, so that you will not miss the latest video released by Xiaohao~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEG094M7Z_lQs59LtSVmVPg?sub_confirmation=1 PS! ! 05:22 There is an error message, the amount of warm water/warm milk is 100g Recipe: (you can make 4 large steamed buns, each about 80g) Plain/all-purpose flour. . . 200g Yeast. . . 2g Sugar. . . 20g Warm water/warm milk. . . 100g White oil/vegetable oil. . . 8g Steaming method: With a metal steamer, a small gap needs to be opened in the lid to allow the excess water vapor to dissipate as soon as possible. You can omit this step with a bamboo steamer. In a pot with cold water, boil the water first with high heat. After the water boils vapor come out, turn to medium heat and steam for 15 minutes. After steaming, simmer for 3-5 minutes before opening the lid to avoid the buns from collapsing. #馒头 #mantou #steamedbuns #面食

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