Kövesd a zenekart itt // Follow us: facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chalgaband web: http://www.chalga.hu Fekete Bori – ének Horváth Móni – szaxofon, ének Kuczera Barbara – hegedű, ének Szegő Dávid – dob Takács Szabolcs – basszusgitár Zagyva Tamás – gitár zene, szöveg, mix – Zagyva Tamás hang – Pannónia Sound Studios, Bobák Bence Lyrics in English: Verses: This house is empty The candle is burning on the table The light dances on the walls The shadow stretches out long The blanket spreads out The stove's depths are glowing The light flickers and sways I stand with my back to the wall The drawer hides desires Pictures at the bottom of the suitcase Look, it's covered in clutter Faded now, I keep it this way On plain pages Books on the shelf in a row Covered in dust jackets Faces among yellowed pages Passing through life Up on the attic, you see The cellar darkens below Between them the ladder, my life Unleashes upward Chorus: This house is empty It remained this way Come, but be careful What do you want Never let go Here you'll stay I'll be the comfort If you allow it Time rushes by You know well Your embracing arms Comforting If you want it It'll stay this way I'll hold your hand From now on chalga, 2022