10OCT2020 Journey of the Soul: The Soul’s Evolution and the Spiritual Path - with David Hopper PowerPoint download: http://www.makara.us/portal/?page_id=838 As we set out to discover the many ways the Soul expresses in our lives, we come to understand on a deeper level that we are on a spiritual path. This is the path of the Spirit, which is continually unfolding and answering the questions of Who and what we are, and What is our purpose? This course provides an overview of the world of the Soul and will take you on a journey of discovering how the Soul expresses and influences you in so many ways, while acting as a background of consciousness in guiding your life. As much as the esoteric teachings will be presented in lectures, this course is designed to be practical. Numerous techniques for working in consciousness will be given out and discussed. Topics to be covered in this course include: The nature of the evolution of consciousness vs. the evolution of the form nature; The 3 major Divine Aspects; Becoming the Observer; Right use of the Mind; Stages of Personal Evolution; Purification and Liberation; Alignment and Integration; Working with Crisis; The importance of Spiritual Values, Rules and Commandments; The importance of Meditation, Spiritual Study, and Service; and Setting up a Spiritual Practice.

solar fireastrologicalritualsmeditationuniversitysevenraysusrmichaelrobbinsteachingesotericismalice a baileymichael d robbinsUniversity of the Seven RaysSeven Ray InstituteSRI