How To Bulk Up FAST: The Ultimate (No Bullsh*t Guide) for Skinny Guys. This is my skinny to muscular body transformation! I will explain How I Gained Muscle Fast as a Skinny Guy while watching my Natural Body Transformation. Inspired by Joe Fazer's vids :) I'll give some basic information how to progress and build muscle faster, how many calories you shoul eat to bulk and look Aesthetic. How much protein, carbs and fat - all in this video! Also we will look at sets, reps and exercises to lean bulk and explain why you should eat ehought (more French toasts than last time by Greg Doucette ) :D Everyone saw the transformation of the century as an Estonian schoolboy blew up YouTube with his aesthetics and power and became GymShark athlete! David Leid's training program is based on the undulating periodization of the load and at one time he made just crazy progress on it! As soon as he released his DUP program, I started training on it. The main exercises for progression in strength and muscle mass were Deadlift, Bench Press and Squat. What results have I been able to achieve? Happy viewing! 🎁 MY OWN WebSite with Training Programs / Meal PLans / Coaching : ✅ Let's get better in New Year together - Welcome to Aesthetics Family 😎💪 If you are my subscriber, use code: FAMILY - to get extra 20% to ALL Products 💪💪 🤞Free Jason Blaha 5x5 Program: 😎 My Inst: Instagram: 🤠My YouTube SHORTS channel: ❤ My WORKOUT channel: #davidlaid #motivation #transformation

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