With Radix SmartClass all students' Android and/or Windows tablet activities can be managed in the interests of learning -- all from the teacher's own Android mobile device or laptop. Radix SmartClass software empowers teachers to not only convey an enriched educational experience and keep students on-task, but also to ensure individual attention and discrete assistance can go to the students who really need it. What makes SmartClass so relevant for today's classroom is the ability to transforms students' Androids, as well as other Windows tablets into a rich 21st century learning environment. Android tablets represent the long-term technology trend in education, fast replacing all other student devices in class. Radix SmartClass is the only solution that allows teachers full management of the Android classroom as an add-on app to the tablets. The fact that Android technology so engages and excites students can and should be harnessed for the purposes of education. However, open access to such a platform, especially with the availability of the Internet and game applications, can pose a risk to effective learning. Focusing students on task and monitoring their activities for help is a must. As such Radix SmartClass can facilitate dynamic and mobile learning: Students can easily connect to the classroom Wi-Fi network, while the teacher stays in control, using his own mobile device to freely move around the classroom and coordinate student activities (without requiring extra hardware or third party applications). SmartClass provides a platform for teacher and student, as well as student and student collaborative learning. Teachers can show their own screen and broadcast video presentations to students. Equally teachers can present a selected student's screen to the rest of the class, as well as sharing students' screens with each other. Educating in this manner can motivate and empower students' learning, but teachers can always keep the class on-track via real-time screen (each student's live screen is shown as a thumbnail in real-time on the teacher's screen) monitoring, supervising or limiting Internet activities and much more.

Android (Software)Tablet Computer (Video Game Platform)classroom management softwaretablet school