The introductory quote from the Civilization 5 Scenario - Rise of the Mongols. Without any background noise, in this video here, by me guest273. Originally, I couldn't find this quote on the Civ 5 wiki page, so I decided to disable all background sound setting and recorded myself starting the scenario. More Civ 5 videos coming soon on this channel! My Twitch where I sometimes stream: ========== Rise of the Mongols is a scenario for Civilization V. The player plays as the Mongols and is supposed to annihilate (not just take the capital of) at least four major civilizations before running out of turns. Scenario Description All hail the mighty Khan, the new ruler of the united tribes of the Central Asian plateau! You have brought the Merkits, Naimans, Keraits, and Tatars under your domain, joining them with your own faithful Mongol Keshiks. Now that you command 5 tribes of horsemen, it is time to bring the rest of Eurasia under the Mongol yoke. But don't think this is necessarily an easy task - you must keep your greedy clansmen happy. They have promised to stay faithful to your Yassa code only if you can provide them adequate spoils of war. So there is no time to waste: journey out across the steppes and let your conquests begin!

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