'Running High' is an album (with f/m vox) from German stoner/psych rock band Stonerhead released in 2024. 01 Someone Please 0:00 02 Obsession 05:01 03 Super Mario 11:23 04 Need Some Time 18:57 05 Running Low 24:33 06 Tweaky Mind 29:36 https://stonerhead.bandcamp.com/album/running-high https://stonerhead.de/ https://www.facebook.com/stonerheadrocks https://www.instagram.com/stonerheadbielefeld/ contact (at) stonerhead.de via Broken Music Booking https://www.facebook.com/brokenmusicbooking broken-music (at) posteo.de uploaded with permission... Most of my uploads are posted in a number of Facebook groups and that is including 'Doom/Stoner/Sludge/Psychedelic' with 35K+ members which is managed by me. The group doesn't allow shit-posting; unrelated memes/stuff, over-posting and annoying/rude/racist/homophobic/sexist behaviour will NOT be tolerated. Join if you like: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jpriest011/ https://www.instagram.com/rob.doom.hammer/ https://www.facebook.com/Rob.DOOM.Hammer Robhammer86@hotmail.com

STONERHEADbroken music mailgermanstonerdesertpsychpsychedelicrockheavy psychrob hammer#robhammer