80万不到买温哥华郊区独立房 |一次看五间 【温哥华买房】 幾個月前我們收到買家通知要移居溫哥華,他們想看在80萬以內的獨立房, 最好地大一點, 放眼望去整個溫哥華以金絕種, 能讓我們一次多看幾點的就要到開車差不多一個多小時的Chilwack or Mission, 這次我們決定去Chillwack 那邊看房探查一匣環境, 因為要求地不要太小, 看完之後發現這個假為的房子都需要裝修, 如果3000-4000呎地坐有80萬在chilliwack 是可以買到相對新一點的房, 安全地繫好我們出發吧~ 如果只有80萬你會考慮去Chillwack買獨立房還是倒進一點的素里買城市屋呢? **“The information provided on this video does not, and is not intended to, constitute any professional advice; instead, all information and content available on this video is for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as accurate, timely, or fit for any particular purpose. Ken Hu, his affiliates, his brokerage or any other persons who appear in the video does not warrant or guarantee the quality, accuracy, or completeness of any information in this video. Viewers of this video are advised to seek specific professional advice by contacting their professional advisors, realtors, lawyers and accountants.” 🔷 相關連結🔷 跟我預約時間諮詢 👉🏽 http://calendly.com/kenhu/30min 免費市場報告 點擊 👉🏽 http://bit.ly/39VKYFp 填入你的名字, EMAIL, 即可收到 帶我去找房 https://kenhusold.com/ 免費房屋估價 http://bit.ly/2JErTi4 🔷 聯絡方式🔷 Ken Hu Personal Real Estate Corporation (Ken Hu 個人房地產公司) 溫哥華TOP 10%地產經紀 (精通國語,廣東話,英語) 📞778.889.8826 (Whatsapp 或微信都是這個號碼) 📧ken@kenhusold.com 🔷歡迎加入我的網頁及社群平台🔷 網站 : https://kenhusold.com 臉書:https://www.facebook.com/kenhusold/ IG帳號: kenh_u LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-hu-05572050/

溫哥華房地產報告冠狀病毒肺炎春天市場地產經紀買房賣房溫哥華房仲溫哥華置產Covid-19VancouverRealestateMarketupdateRichmondBurnabyCiquitlamNewwestminster溫哥華房地產溫哥華華人溫哥華樓價溫哥華新聞今天加拿大新聞溫哥華 華人 新聞加拿大房市溫哥華 中文温哥华