Did you know that infection with about a dozen HPV types is associated with cancer among both men and women? Watch the HPV Did You Know? video to learn about the types of cancers caused by HPV, incidence rates in the U.S., HPV vaccination, and screening. For more information about HPV and cancer, visit https://cancer.gov/hpv Help raise awareness about HPV by sharing this video with friends, family, and your social media networks.

CancerstatisticssurveillanceNational Cancer InstituteNCIGIScancer careimmunotherapycancer preventionrisk factor5-year relative survival5-year survivalsurvivingSEERepidemiologyclinical trialsHPVhuman papillomavirussexually transmitted diseaseSTDsexually transmitted infectionSTIlow riskhigh riskskin wartscervixcervicalvulvarvaginaoropharyngealoralpap testHPV testabnormal cellsvaccinevaccination