RAF Reaper provided support to Iraqi military units in Anbar province. The Reaper’s crew tracked ISIL vehicles moving at speed on the open road and destroyed two with Hellfire missiles. Video released by the UK Ministry of Defence Follow us on Twitter for all the latest on UK defence and security: http://bit.ly/1IKVCsO You can also join the new UK Defence Forum for more in-depth UK defence discussion: http://t.co/BitbUtZh68

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited KingdomUKEnglandScotlandWalesNorthern IrelandBritainGreat BritainArmed ForcesHer Majesty'sof the CrownBritish Armed ForcesMilitaryRoyal Air ForceRoyal NayyBritish ArmyRoyal MarinesFiringActionMissileLaunchingLaunchIraqISILDaeshTerroristsHellfireMQ-9 ReaperDroneUAVUCAVUnamnned combat aerial vehicleIslamic StateISIS