#베트남 #푸틴 #국제관계 국제 외교에서 베트남이 뜬다? 푸틴은 왜 베트남에 갔을까 | 베트남, 푸틴, 국제관계 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@gmail.com 📑 참고문헌 📑 Chatham House, 2024/05/09 | Vietnam’s political turmoil reveals a turn towards China – and away from the West https://www.chathamhouse.org/2024/05/vietnams-political-turmoil-reveals-turn-towards- china-and-away-west Reuters, 2024/05/22 | Vietnam appoints top policeman as country's new president https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/vietnam-lawmakers-elect-top-policeman- countrys-new-president-2024-05-22/ Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2024/05/23 | To Lam, Minister of Public Security, confirmed as Vietnam's new president https://www.abc.net.au/asia/to-lam-confirmed-as-new-vietnam-president/103889442 The 88 Project, 2024/02/29 | Vietnam’s Leaders Declare War on Human Rights as a Matter of Official Policy https://the88project.org/vietnams-leaders-declare-war-on-human-rights/ Khmer Times, 2014/04/14 | Vietnamese Derogatory Word Yuon, Hate Crimes and CNRP https://www.khmertimeskh.com/48730/vietnamese-derogatory-word-yuon-hate-crimes- and-cnrp/ 한겨레, 2024/03/20 | 베트남 국가주석 돌연 사임 …내부 권력투쟁 의혹 8 https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/international/asiapacific/1133187.html 서울와이어, 2024/03/21 | 베트남 권력 2 인자 트엉 국가주석 , 1 년만에 돌연 사임 https://www.seoulwire.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=602139 Inside Vina, 2024/05/02 | 베트남 권력서열 4 위 , 브엉 딘 후에 국회의장 전격사임 https://www.insidevina.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=27366 아주경제, 2024/05/17 | 베트남 주석 ·국회의장 이어 ' 권력서열 5 위' 당 서기도 사임 https://www.ajunews.com/view/20240517010901877 연합뉴스, 2024/05/22 | 베트남 ' 권력 2 위' 국가주석에 럼 공안장관 …" 권력 1 위 발판"( 종합 ) https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20240522141951084?input=1195m The Diplomat :: Asia, 2024/03/04 | Communist Party Directive Takes Aim At ‘Hostile Forces’ in Vietnam https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/communist-party-directive-takes-aim-at-hostile-forces- in-vietnam/ 주간동아, 2023/07/09 | 美 ·中 동시에 ‘ 러브콜’… 베트남 , 유연한 ‘ 대나무 외교’ 노선 유지할까 https://weekly.donga.com/inter/article/all/11/4273291/1 세계일보, 2023/03/11 | ‘ 친중’ 이 아니라 ‘ 실리’…베트남 최연소 트엉 주석 취임의 의미 ? [ 박종 현의 아세안 코너 ] 9 https://www.segye.com/newsView/20230311504848?OutUrl=naver The Diplomat :: Asia, 2016/10/02 | The Truth About Anti-Vietnam Sentiment in Cambodia https://thediplomat.com/2016/10/the-truth-about-anti-vietnam-sentiment-in-cambodia/ CNN, 2024/06/04 | Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin visits Cambodia as US concerns grow over China’s influence https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/04/asia/cambodia-lloyd-austin-china-intl-hnk/index.html YTN, 2024/06/05 | 美 국방 , ' 친중' 캄보디아 방문 ...관계 회복 방안 협의 https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0104_202406050119517205 Hutt, David. “Russia’s Putin in Hanoi: What Does Vietnam Hope to Gain?” dw.com, 21 June 2024, www.dw.com/en/russias-putin-in-hanoi-what-does-vietnam- hope-to-gain/a-69438435. Vu, Khanh, and Minh Nguyen. “Visiting Vietnam, Putin Seeks New ‘security Architecture’ for Asia.” Reuters , 21 June 2024, www.reuters.com/world/russian-president-putin-arrives-vietnam-state-visit- 2024-06-19. “Putin Says Russia Is Keen to Partner With Vietnam in Energy and Security.” The 10 Straits Times , 20 June 2024, www.straitstimes.com/asia/putin-says-russia-is- keen-to-partner-with-vietnam-in-energy-and-security. Ratcliffe, Rebecca. “Russia and Vietnam Agree to Strengthen Ties During Putin State Visit.” The Guardian, 21 June 2024, www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/20/vladimir-putin-vietnam- state-visit. Lakshmi, A. Anantha. “Vietnam’s ‘Bamboo Diplomacy’ Triumphs With Visits From Biden, Xi and Now Putin.” Financial Times , 20 June 2024, www.ft.com/content/2066b843-9140-47ba-a71d-63444b436822. Bloomberg, Nguyen Dieu Tu Uyen and John Boudreau . “Vietnam Welcomes Putin for State Visit Criticized by U.S.” TIME , 20 June 2024, www.time.com/6990106/vietnam-russia-putin-state-visit-us-criticism. Guarascio, Francesco, and Andrew Hayley. “Chinese Ships Ignore Vietnam Demand to Leave Area Close to Russian-run Gas Fields.” Reuters , 26 May 2023, www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/chinese-ships-ignore-vietnam- 11 demand-leave-area-close-russian-run-gas-fields-2023-05-26.

베트남러시아캄보디아푸틴북한푸틴 베트남러시아 베트남 관계미국 베트남 관계로이드 오스틴베트남 정치베트남 외교국제관계국제뉴스남중국해베트남 중국 관계중국미국김지윤김지윤 박사김지윤의 지식play김지윤의 지식플레이지식플레이지식play베트남 서기장쫑 서기장응우옌 푸 쫑베트남 서기장 사망베트남 권력