Meet the Largest Chinese Bodybuilder | Chenhui Lu (with English subtitle) 鹿晨辉 2018 健美黄金赛冠军纪录片 Once upon a time, he was just an ordinary gym guy; Once upon a time, he gradually became the icon of Chinese bodybuilding; Once upon a time, he interpreted perfection with imperfection. With passion, dream, and persistence, the uncrowned king, Chenhui Lu, won the championship at 2018 Goldentimes Grand Prix. Now, he stands at a new starting point. The path ahead is getting longer and harder, but better to run, than curse the road. 曾几何时,他只是个默默无闻的大男孩;曾几何时,他渐渐成为了中国健美界的标杆;曾几何时,他以不完美诠释着完美。 热爱,梦想,和坚持,曾经的无冕之王鹿晨辉,在拿下黄金赛后,站在了一个全新的起点。接下来的路,还有很长,但是一切阻碍,都不会是放弃的借口。
