A great way to help focus an easily distracted mind, this mix of brown noise with pure ambient binaural tones can help you get in the study or focus zone. As someone who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, I know how useful noises can be to block sound, but also to help you get focussed can be. This combination I've found to be very useful for getting dialled in when I need to buckle down. This is my first brown noise video where I've mixed just pure binaural tones (vs. ambient music). As with all binaural tones, this one requires headphones to work properly, although it could be enjoyed without as it is a nice brown noise. Do note that the tones you are hearing is for 40Hz and this is NOT a sleep wave. This is very much for AWAKE statesβ€”specifically GAMMA waves are the ones you experience when you are alert and focussed. So best you do not try and sleep to this video! Gamma waves are the ones associated with being awake and alert. It's the state of mind when you're firing on all cylinders! So this a perfect noise for someone who is looking to study or focus. GAMMA WAVES: - https://www.healthline.com/health/gamma-brain-waves BINAURAL BEATS - https://www.healthline.com/health/binaural-beats#instructions - https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-are-binaural-beats BRAIN WAVES -https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-the-function-of-t-1997-12-22/ -https://choosemuse.com/blog/a-deep-dive-into-brainwaves-brainwave-frequencies-explained-2/ #binaural #binauralbeatsmeditation #gammawaves #brownnoise #focus Also, please remember that not everyone will have the same reaction to binaural noises as everyone else. So please use responsibly!