《欲蛇》是一部奇幻;惊悚;恐怖;动作;冒险电影,由詹妮弗·林奇执导,詹妮弗·林奇编剧,玛丽卡·沙拉瓦特、伊尔凡·可汗、Jeff Doucette等主演,于2008年8月7日——2008年10月31日在印度、美国拍摄。 影片讲述了一位身患绝症的科学家为了一己私欲闯入丛林,捕捉雄蛇以期获得女蛇身上“不死”之力。 "The Snake" is a fantasy; thriller; horror; action; adventure film, directed by Jennifer Lynch, written by Jennifer Lynch, starring Malika Shalavat, Irfan Khan, Jeff Doucette, etc., in August 7, 2008-October 31, 2008 in India and the United States. The film tells the story of a terminally ill scientist breaking into the jungle for his own selfishness, capturing the male snake in order to gain the "immortality" power of the female snake. 剧情简介 大约4000年前,印度北部的人民将半人半眼镜蛇的雕像供奉在神庙中,关于生存在村林深处的“蛇女神”的故事代代相传着,她掌管着人世的生死,罪与罚。直到某天。一位身患绝症的科学家将神话的禁忌打破。他闯入丛林趁蛇交配,身体虚弱之际,想捕获蛇女。但是只抓住了雄蛇。科学家不甘心,于是将雄蛇带回,百般折磨。想由此引出“蛇女神”的现身。因为蛇女神体内有一块神奇的”石头“,可令他起死回生 蛇女为寻回丈夫而离开了定居千年的丛林,来到人类的居住地。蛇女本性是蛇类,不具备人类的思想,她单纯而执着,最终没有敌过奸诈的科学家的陷阱,丈夫为此死去。蛇女悲痛欲绝,变回蛇身,将科学家丢入囚禁雄蛇的玻璃缸,坏人最终恶有恶报。蛇女神回到丛林,诞下了与丈夫的孩子。与此同时,帮助过她的人类警察的妻子,也顺利生下了他们的孩子(警察的妻子以前每次怀孕都会流产)。可见,冥冥中自有天意 。 About 4000 years ago, the people of northern India enshrined the half-human half-cobra statue in the temple. The story of the "snake goddess" living in the depths of the village has been passed down from generation to generation. She is in charge of life and death, sin and Penalty. Until someday. A terminally ill scientist broke the taboo of the myth. He broke into the jungle and tried to capture the snake girl while the snakes were mating. But only the male snake was caught. The scientist was not reconciled, so he brought the male snake back and tortured in every possible way. I want to lead to the appearance of the "Snake Goddess". Because there is a magic "stone" in the snake goddess, which can bring him back to life In order to find her husband, the snake girl left the jungle where she had settled for thousands of years and came to the human settlement. The snake girl is a snake by nature and does not possess human thoughts. She is simple and persistent, and ultimately has no trap against the treacherous scientist. Her husband died for this. Distraught, the snake girl turned back into a snake body, and threw the scientist into the glass tank where the male snake was imprisoned. The bad guys eventually paid off. The snake goddess returned to the jungle and gave birth to a child with her husband. At the same time, the wives of the human policemen who helped her gave birth to their children (the wives of the policemen had miscarried every time they got pregnant). It can be seen that there is providence in the dark.
