When a couple really wants to plan pregnancy they really have to try on those important days when the ovulation happens to make sure conception also happens. So there are several ways to understand when this ovulation or the release of ovum or the egg from the ovary occurs. To understand this ,the most reliable method would be follicular ultrasound scan. When we do a follicular ultrasound scan, preferably an endovaginal scan, we will be able to visualize the uterus, the lining of the uterus and the ovaries very clearly. And when we look at the ovaries, we will be able to see the follicles inside the ovaries and these follicles are those which had eggs inside them. It is a known fact that every follicle is supposed to have one egg within it and every month there is one follicle that grows big and in the midcycle this follicle grows to an appropriate size of about 20mm after which it ruptures and the egg comes out of the ovary and travels upto the fallopian tube and there it is alive for about 48 hours within which if there is sexual intercourse there is a chance of pregnancy to happen. But most of the times it is very difficult to understand if ovulation has really happened, but the ovulation induction kits are not really reliable and sometimes they may not show that there has been ovulation especially when the hormonal levels are not right enough. We see that very commonly in women who have Polycystic ovaries. In women with Polycystic ovaries, they might not ovulate in the midcycle because these cycles are irregular. They might have delayed cycles, so it is not that the ovulation should happen on dot 14 or 15th day of the cycle. In women with polycystic ovaries who have a cycle length of 45 days, their ovulation might even happen on 29th day or 30th day of the menstrual cycle. So using L8 kits from 14th day to 30th day would not be cost effective and also not worth the stress you take in doing these tests. So the best thing to do would be a follicular monitoring. When we do a follicular scan we will be able to see the follicles very clearly and we will be able to assess if the follicle is growing or not. If the follicle is growing, then we know that yes, follicle is growing and there is a good chance that ovulation also might happen and at the same time we get the added advantage of looking at the lining of the uterus and making sure your womb is also getting prepared for pregnancy to happen. If not, there are some hormonal supplements which can be given to make sure the womb lining also is good enough to support pregnancy. That’s the reason why a follicular tracking ultrasound scan would be best time to understand when the ovulation happens so as to make sure you are trying for pregnancy effectively.

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