榴莲冰皮月饼食谱。简单制作,味道绝佳! How to Make Snowskin Mooncake 吃腻了传统月饼,不妨试试这款榴莲冰皮月饼。它的做法超级简单,内部包裹着新鲜的榴莲果肉。搭配冰皮,软糯香甜,真的太好吃到让人停不下来! 榴莲爱好者千万不要错过,中秋节快来尝试制作这款美味的榴莲冰皮月饼吧! Durian Snowskin Mooncake Recipe. Easy to Make, Absolutely Delicious! If you’re tired of traditional mooncakes, give this durian snowskin mooncake a try. It's incredibly easy to make, with a filling of fresh durian flesh. Paired with the snowskin, it's soft, sticky, and sweet—so delicious you won't be able to stop eating! Durian lovers, don’t miss out! Try making this delectable durian snowskin mooncake for the Mid-Autumn Festival! ➡️ Ingredients 材料: 80克 粘米粉 80g Rice flour 80克 糯米粉 80g Glutinous rice flour 50克 澄面粉 50g Wheat starch 45克 糖粉 45g Powdered sugar 350毫升 牛奶 350ml Milk 一滴食用黄色素 Yellow food colouring 35克 玉米油 35g Corn oil 4汤匙 糯米粉(熟粉) 4 tbsp Glutinous rice flour (cooked) 500克 榴莲果肉 500g Durian flesh ———————————-————— 喜欢的朋友,别忘了点赞 请与您的朋友分享此视频 加订阅点击小铃铛🔔 这样你就不会错过我的任何新视频! If you like this video, please don't forget to click 'like', share, SUBSCRIBE and turn on the notification button 🔔 so you won't miss any of my new videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCswQsXgmAWoxabpggML3qBA