For many of us, Terminator 2 is the pinnacle of not just action movies, but sequels as a whole. It perfectly wraps up the story set up in the original Terminator film, and gives us an ending in-line with what T2 set up. But a franchise like Terminator is had to leave in the past. Sequel after sequel, this franchise has taken a giant step backwards from what James Cameron initially set out to make. Which is a major problem many legacy franchises have when trying to make new, modern sequels to beloved films. #Terminator #JamesCameron #Nerdstalgic Written by Dave Baker Edited by Brian Nappi

TerminatorTerminator 2 Judgement DayTerminator 3 Rise of the MachinesTerminator SalvationTerminator GenysisTerminator Dark FateTerminator Arnold SchwarzeneggerTerminator Sarah ConnorTerminator John ConnorTerminator Linda HamiltonTerminator James CameronTerminator FranchiseStar Wars SequelsThe Matrix SequelsHarry Potter SequelsLord of the Rings SequelsFast and the Furious FranchiseNew RockstarsCorridor CrewMr. Sunday MoviesIGNNerdstalgic