♡ DM me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/independentwomenrule/ ♡ Download Captivating Communication Scripts that will help you communicate your needs and expectations if you want him to pursue you more consistently: https://www.behereandnow.com/freebie-communication-scripts/ ♡ Download Captivating Communication Scripts that will help you communicate your needs and expectations if you want him to pursue you more consistently: https://www.behereandnow.com/freebie-communication-scripts/ ♡ Read Dalila's latest articles: https://www.behereandnow.com/articles/ ♡ Check out Dalila's 1:1 coaching program: https://www.behereandnow.com/how-high-achieving-women-can-become-secure-love-creators/ ♡ Communicate with men effectively without frustration and build powerful connection with a right partner: https://www.behereandnow.com/self-love-revolution-course/ If you are an anxious love seeker, this article is going to be very important because you’re going to finally see how to self soothe abandonment wound triggering, so you don’t have to feel needy, insecure, or frustrated. And believe me they will be triggered if you start dating or you are in a relationship. Learning how to self-soothe and manage emotions specifically triggered in romantic relationships is a part of my Secure Love Creator Framework and is essential. The problem is that the most anxious love seekers avoid dealing with these triggers, and it totally makes sense. Avoiding these triggers helped you manage and survive for decades. The problem is that if you don’t deal with these triggers, you will not be able to create a secure healthy relationship, and avoiding something is never effective. These triggers will always come back. Dire consequences of abandonment wound triggers Sabotaging your chances of creating secure relationships, especially if you are an anxious love seeker. In an effort to avoid feeling triggered with abandonment wounds, you may resort to overfunctioning and making a relationship work even when it's not good for you. Thus you wind up in an unhappy relationship. Falling in love with emotionally unavailable men. It's paradoxical that we fall in love with emotionally unavailable men although we are afraid of abandonment. For anxious love seekers, this kind of dynamic feels familiar due to their early childhood experiences. Not feeling attracted to people who are ready to love you is another consequence of abandonment wound triggers. When someone is ready to love anxious love seekers, many are not attracted to those kinds of partners. They find themselves of pursuit of that unattainable love. Surprise feelings of rage can happen even when trigger isn't so big. This happens because there are simmering frustrations that are never addressed. It's essential to learn to control anger if you want to avoid sabotaging your chances of creating a happy secure relationship. Never figuring out who you are as you are constantly focused on preventing abandonment. Many anxious love seeker don't understand their needs, what makes them happy in a relationship, and how to ask for it. It's another way of saying that you may struggle to connect with yourself. Learning how to express your needs is essential for anxious love seekers if they want to become secure. Unable to receive love is another consequence of abandonment wounding. A consequence of this may be that even when someone loves you, you may struggle to feel and receive love. I've seen many women married to a loving man, but they struggle to embrace that love. They may think that the man is only loving her because the man is nice, not because she is worthy of love. One more reason why it's essential to learn how to self soothe abandonment wounds. I would also love to hear from you? What are some other consequences of abandonment wound triggering? What are some of the ways in which you self soothe abandonment wound triggers?