Marking this year's World Ocean Day with a special celebration of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), this educational video is the result of a cooperation between Global OTEC, environmentalist Kane Baker, of the George F. Baker Trust Foundation and Schoolyard Films. The film was created to illustrate how the technology works and its relevance and advantages. Using animation and motion graphics, this informative piece highlights how OTEC will change the energy scenery in tropical islands. Currently powered by fossil fuels, these nations also face the highest electricity costs compared to the rest of the world. OTEC surges as a great alternative for their renewable energy transition. ****Copyrights Disclaimer**** You are free to share the content (such as in classes, lectures, presentations or any other educative or informative context). You can copy the link and redistribute the material in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

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