In keeping with communist tradition, the communist in China throw into prison people who do not agree with them politically. Better known as political prisoners in a commie gulag. Notable among the many being held in China is Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo. Mr. Xiaobo has been sentenced to an 11 year prison term for adding words to paper. He helped author Charter 08. Here is a blog that list some of the notable political prisoners and their address. You are urged to write them or send a card. However please do not write anything political to avoid the guards from throwing it in the trash. From the USA it should cost about $2.66. Best to copy and paste the address and please make sure you copy and paste the Chinese writing. Almost all of the political prisoners can read English. Here is the blog: Messages of encouragement and well-wishing would be most helpful. Please remember no political messages. Here are some of the imprisoned: Liu Xiaobo Wang Bingzhang Peng Ming Xie Changfa Hu Jia Huang Jinqiu Guo Quan Liu Xianbin Dhondup Wangchen Zhu Gengsheng Li Yujun Miao Deshun Jiang Yaqun Chen Guangcheng Qin Yongmin Political prisoners in China Chinese gulag Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo Dharma friend dharmafriend blog charter 08 communist communism propagandabuster propaganda buster tony
