A quick 20 minute sketch with the awesome Sketchable App on the Surface Pro 3. I was just relaxing here and having a little sketch – forgot the camera was on otherwise I would have shown off a few of the great special features! I am a Beta-tester for Silicon Benders so the version I'm using here is an 'Alpha version'. It looks pretty much as the current version looks but with some icons in the toolbar you won't have access to until the next release. Subscribe to my channel and I'll give you more information about Sketchable as soon as it comes along. Music: Ambiment - The Ambient - KEVIN MACLEOD – YouTube Library. Enjoy and keep on painting! Lawrence. *** Subscribe to My Channel for More Art tutorials & reviews *** https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHO7bTCCbwlYTMGsA2DT-cA?sub_confirmation=1 ===================================================== To view my portfolio and keep up to date with all of my latest goings on, make sure to pop over and say Hi at which ever social media hub is closest to your heart! My portfolio Website: http://www.LawrenceMann.co.uk FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/lawrence.can.draw Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/LAWRENCEcanDRAW Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/LawrenceCanDraw LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lawrencecandraw

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