The Second Life app brings the richness of the Second Life virtual world to your Android or iOS mobile device...and Second Life Premium Plus members are among the first to get access. With the new Second Life Mobile, you can experience a new level of convenience and engagement in your Second Life adventures, whether you’re at home or on the go. In this initial Private Alpha release, you can: * See your avatar & edit appearance by changing outfits * Explore the world via the Destination Guide, mobile showcase, own favorites (teleport, deep links, TP offers) * Interact with the world through a limited set of movements (walk, run, fly, sit, stand) and object interactions (touch, sit) - or park your avatar and explore via flycam. * Socialize and stay connected (nearby chat, group chat, IM, group notices, find contacts, inspect profiles) * Create and log in with a new account …and there’s more to come in future releases! Qualifying Premium Plus members can apply now for the Private Alpha. If you are Premium Plus, you can learn more at: Please note that while all Premium Plus subscribers are eligible to participate in the Private Alpha, we’ll be adding users in small groups over time. There is a server registration limit and we’ll be adding participants on a first come first served basis.Your patience is appreciated! We know you’re excited (and so are we!) but we’ll need time to process applications, add test accounts via TestFlight and Google Play and then, most importantly, process your feedback. And please remember, this is still early Alpha! That means it’s buggy, and it’s missing functionality. It also means we’re looking for your help in making it better. Once we are through the alpha and beta testing phases, Second Life Mobile will be accessible to all users. Not Premium Plus? Upgrade today at #SecondLife #SecondLifeMobile #LindenLab #metaverse

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