To celebrate the International Women's Day on March 8, I hosted a little music gig in my Brooklyn home. Encouraged by my musician friends Daniel Carter and Kurt Ralske, I read aloud a few Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty poems, and sang this Sichuan folk song that my mother taught me a long time ago. Please enjoy "When Will the Flowers Bloom?" Flute: Daniel Carter, Trumpet: Kurt Ralske. Guitar: Pete Engardio. Camera: Di Tang.为庆祝"三八"妇女节,我在布鲁克林家举办了个小型音乐会,邀请了一批朋友,来的大多是女朋友及她们的女儿。在纽约爵士音乐家Daniel Carter 和 Kurt Ralske 鼓励下,我念了几首宋辞元曲,并唱了这首小时候妈妈教我的一首四川民歌, "槐花幾時開"。笛子:Daniel Carter。小号: Kurt Ralske. 吉他:Pete Engardio. 摄像:唐棣

Jazz Fusion (Professional Field)Chinese folk musicSichuan folk music四川民歌中国民歌爵士乐