What is Slavic Paganism? What do we know about the religious beliefs, myths, and ritual practices of the East Slavs? Who was their primary deity? This review talks about religious practices of Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians and Rusyns before the Christianization of Kyivan Rus by the Great Prince Volodymyr. You will learn about their gods, culture, and other divine beings they worshiped (such as domovoy, vodyanoy, ovine, polevoy, leshy, etc.) Please, support Religiolog with a one-time donation: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/religiolog Or become my Patron: https://www.patreon.com/4religiolog #slavicculture #slavic #slavic_paganism #religious_studies #religiolog Check out my other videos: Ukrainian Halloween - https://youtu.be/AtKzrVLCD_4 What is secularism? - https://youtu.be/Udv-_V0mTDE What is a French model of secularism? - https://youtu.be/ZGSfWiy6PL8 Positive Atheism in the USSR under Brezhnev. The Institute of Scientific Atheism. https://youtu.be/hAvzsWx2S6g Pantheon: Perun, Svarog, Khors, Stribog, Mokosh, Volos, Veles, Simurgh, Simargl. Bibliography: Rybakov, Boris (1981). Iazychestvo drevnykh slavian [Paganism of the Ancient Slavs]. Moscow. Froianov, I. Ia.; Dvornichenko, A. Iu.; Krivosheev, Iu. V. (1992). "The Introduction of Christianity in Russia and the Pagan Traditions". In Balzer Marjorie Mandelstam; Radzai Ronald (eds.). Russian Traditional Culture: Religion, Gender and Customary Law. Routledge. pp. 3–15. Gasparini, Evel (2013). "Slavic religion". Encyclopædia Britannica. Alvarez-Pedroza, Juan Antonio (2021). Sources of Slavic Pre-Christian Religion. New Researches on the Religion and Mythology of the Pagan Slavs, 2019, by Patrice Lajoye (Author), Ji Dynda (Author), Alexander Ivanenko (Author), Kamil Kajkowski (Author), & 5 more Анатолий Комков. Духовные проявления в культуре дохристианской Руси. Васильев М. Язычество Восточных славян накануне крещения Руси. М.: Индрик, 1999. – 328 с.

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