買【KOM】 304不鏽鋼萬用保鮮盒-抗菌升級款(優雅紫) 按這裡→https://lihi1.com/zJnzO 涼拌小黃瓜 1.涼拌拍黃瓜 材料 小黃瓜400g 蒜末15g 辣椒片15g 調味料 A.鹽2小匙 B.砂糖1大匙 白醋1大匙 香油2小匙 作法 1.小黃瓜要挑外皮帶有小刺的最新鮮。 2.小黃瓜洗淨,去頭尾,用刀身略拍扁裂,再切成適當長段。 3.將小黃瓜放進保鮮盒中,撒2小匙鹽,靜待約30分鐘,出水濾乾。 4.加入辣椒、蒜末和所有調味料B,蓋上蓋子,搖一搖混合均勻即可。 Chilled Smashed Cucumber Salad Ingredients: 400g small cucumbers 15g minced garlic 15g sliced chili peppers Seasonings: A. 2 tsp salt B. 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp white vinegar 2 tsp sesame oil Instructions: Choose the freshest small cucumbers with slightly prickly skin. Wash and trim the cucumbers, then gently smash them with the flat side of a knife and cut them into appropriate lengths. Put the cucumbers in a container and sprinkle 2 teaspoons of salt. Let them sit for about 30 minutes until they release some water. Drain and pat dry. Add the chili peppers, minced garlic, and all the seasoning ingredients listed under B. Cover the container with a lid and shake well to mix everything evenly. 2.酸甜小黃瓜 材料 小黃瓜350g 調味料 A.鹽 1/2小匙 B.白醋1大匙 砂糖1大匙 作法 1.小黃瓜洗淨、去頭尾,切成圓薄片。 2將小黃瓜放進保鮮盒中,撒1/2小匙鹽,靜待約30分鐘,出水濾乾。 3.加入所有調味料B,蓋上蓋子,搖一搖混合均勻,冷藏醃約20分鐘。 4.手套上塑膠袋,將小黃瓜捏除多餘水分即可。 Sweet and Sour Cucumber Ingredients: 350g cucumbers Seasoning: A. 1/2 tsp salt B. 1 tbsp white vinegar 1 tbsp sugar Instructions: Wash and trim the ends of the cucumbers, then slice them into thin rounds. Put the cucumber slices in a container and sprinkle 1/2 tsp of salt over them. Let sit for about 30 minutes, then drain off the liquid. Add all of the seasoning ingredients (B) to the container with the cucumbers. Cover and shake well to mix. Chill for about 20 minutes to marinate. Put on plastic gloves and squeeze out any excess liquid from the cucumbers before serving. 3.辣拌小黃瓜 材料: 小黃瓜400g 蒜片15g 花椒1/2小匙 乾辣椒少許 調味料: A.鹽1/2小匙 B.砂糖1/2大匙 白醋1大匙 辣椒油1大匙 香油少許 1.小黃瓜洗淨、去頭尾,切開後去軟籽部分,再切適當長段。 2.將小黃瓜放進保鮮盒中,撒1/2小匙鹽,靜待約30分鐘,出水濾乾。 3.加入所有調味料B和蒜片、乾辣椒、花椒調味料。 4.蓋上蓋子,搖一搖混合均勻即可。 Spicy Cucumber Salad Ingredients: 400g cucumbers 15g garlic, sliced 1/2 tsp Sichuan peppercorns A few dried red chilies Seasoning: 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp white vinegar 1 tbsp chili oil A little sesame oil Instructions: Wash and trim the ends off the cucumbers. Cut them open and remove the soft seeds, then cut into appropriate lengths. Place the cucumbers in a container, sprinkle with 1/2 tsp salt, and let sit for about 30 minutes. Drain the water. Add all the seasoning ingredients, garlic, dried chilies, and Sichuan peppercorns. Cover the container and shake to mix everything evenly. 4.古早味醬油脆瓜 材料 小黃瓜800g 調味料 醬油180㏄ 冰糖(或糖) 150g 烏醋80㏄ 米酒50㏄ 作法 1. 小黃瓜洗淨、去頭尾,切約1∼1.5公分厚的圓片。 2. 取一小鍋,放入所有調味料,用中火煮至冰糖融化即為脆瓜醬汁。 3. 倒入小黃瓜煮約2分鐘(煮出水分)即撈出,攤開放涼。 4. 將醬汁再度煮滾,放入作法4小黃瓜煮1分鐘即撈出,攤開放涼。 5.待醬汁也涼卻後,與脆瓜一起裝瓶。冷藏兩天即可。 Old-fashioned Soy Sauce Pickled Cucumber Ingredients: 800g cucumbers Seasonings: 180ml soy sauce 150g rock sugar (or regular sugar) 80ml black vinegar 50ml rice wine Directions: Wash the cucumbers and cut them into round slices about 1-1.5 cm thick. In a small pot, add all the seasonings and cook over medium heat until the sugar is melted, creating the pickling sauce. Boil the cucumber slices in the sauce for about 2 minutes to extract water, then remove and spread them out to cool. Bring the pickling sauce to a boil again and add the cucumber slices back in, boil for 1 minute and then remove them and spread them out to cool. When the pickling sauce has cooled, pour it into a jar with the cucumber slices. Refrigerate for two days before serving. - 楊桃美食網 http://www.ytower.com.tw Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/ytower01 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ytower01
