Defending the Detrusor with Dr. Wayne Kuang is a critical aspect of urology that highlights the importance of preserving bladder health and function. Dr. Kuang, with his extensive expertise and dedication to the field, brings a wealth of knowledge and insights to this important topic. His advocacy for protecting the detrusor muscle in urological treatments and surgeries not only ensures improved patient outcomes but also serves as a cornerstone in promoting urological health and well-being. Dr. Kuang's contributions and insights into defending the detrusor are especially vital in the context of treating conditions such as overactive bladder, urinary retention, and incontinence. By emphasizing the significance of detrusor muscle preservation, he guides urology professionals in making informed decisions that not only alleviate patient discomfort but also enhance their overall quality of life. Dr. Wayne Kuang's dedication to defending the detrusor muscle underscores the need for urologists and healthcare providers to prioritize bladder health and function in their treatment strategies, ultimately leading to more effective and patient-centric care. #bph #uronurse #prostate