*影片含有暴力畫面,請斟酌觀看 (* This MV contains disturbing scenes *) “誰能聽見我內心的無助 陪我一起痛苦”,大家都愛正能量,背負負能量的我們,被遺忘。避而不談的人們,我們多麽渴望被別人聽見。 大馬創作鬼才Namewee黃明志作詞作曲執導的《十種自殺的方法》MV以黃若熙鮮少嘗試的RAP唱方式呈現,站在家暴受虐、校園霸淩、被孤立的受害者立場,以第一人稱的感受出發。各大媒體所刊登的自殺案例只是冰山一角,問題無法解決,人們試著避重就輕,這是病態社會的日常。歌曲也反面嘲弄,可以伸出援手但卻自閉雙目,漠視真實的旁觀者。 “Who could hear my helplessness Willing to suffer with me” Everyone loves positivity, we who are burdened by the negativity are long forgotten “10 Ways to End” music video directed and song produced by Malaysian creative act Namewee showcasing the victim’s perspective of domestic abuse, bully and depression cases through Ribbon’s RAP. What we’ve seen from the mainstream media is just tip of an iceberg, it still remains a riddle that couldn’t be solved while we decide to avoid the topic, that’s how bad the society gets on a daily basis. This song also sarcastically pointed out those who did not helped but just remain as a by-passer 自殺防治專線 Emotional Support Hotline: 生命線(臺灣) Taiwan :1995 / 安心專線(臺灣):0800-788995 Befrienders專線(馬來西亞) Malaysia:03-79568145 www.befrienders.org.my Don't forget to Like & Share & Subscribe ❤ Follow me on FB & IG : http://www.facebook.com/ribbonooi http://www.instagram.com/ribbonooi
