最近ins上很流行的折叠紫菜包饭,操作非常有趣又简单,我用天贝代替了常用的火腿和午餐肉,天贝是一种发酵豆制品,类似于豆豉,蛋白质很高且因为是发酵豆类所以蛋白质很容易吸收不会胀气。 天贝的味道很多人不习惯,用视频里的方法腌制一会儿,让调料渗进去煎好后基本上感受不到那不喜欢的味道了,做其他料理也可以蒸一下再入菜也能去除那个味道。 I used tempeh in this Kimbap recipe. Tempe is a traditional Javanese soy product made from fermented soybeans. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: chusvegans My name is Chu and I am a vegan enthusiast, thanks for visiting my channel, I hope you enjoy it. My philosophy is vegan dishes can be delicious! And I invite you to join me in making the world a sweeter place! 喜欢我的视频请点赞,订阅并打开小铃铛,可以第一时间看到我的视频。 Turn on the notification and be the first to watch my videos 每周更新 New Video Every Week 【Chu’s Vegan, Choose Vegan】 © Copyright by Chu’s Vegan #ChusVegan#Vegan#素食

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